Background Data
Offsite Background Sampling, 2018 - 2019
In December 2018, while no soil solidification or earth-moving activities were occurring at the site, EPA began collecting indoor air samples on residential floors in buildings 500 and 600 at the City Place development, as well as ambient air samples. These two buildings were selected for sampling because they are directly adjacent to the Quanta site and the first affected by prevailing winds.
Air samples were analyzed for naphthalene, the primary constituent of the vapors coming from the Quanta site during prior soil remediation and earth-moving activities.
Background Sampling at Quanta Site, 2016
Five background air samples were collected over two weeks in October 2016 before any intrusive, below-ground activities began. Results were used to quantify the typical existing levels of any dust and volatile organic compounds already in the air. Results also were used by the agencies to adjust action and alert levels in the air monitoring plan. Action levels, which are set above the background levels, define the steps the contractor will take to meet the plan's air requirements.
To view the data collected, select a date from the drop-down list and click "Change" (dates not shown in the list have no data available). Then, move your cursor over a monitor icon to view the data. Click "View wind direction & speed" to see a graph of the wind conditions for the selected date.
Monitor FD-04
- No data available for this day
Monitor FD-02
- No data available for this day
Monitor FD-07
- No data available for this day
Monitor FD-06
- No data available for this day